Re: Glassfish V3 Standalone JMS Client - Question

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 08:16:43 PST

I am including the following jars for the client's classpath. Since this client does more work, I've also listed a few other jars, just for additional information. I just can't connect to the server's resources in GFV3.

jms.jar - jms support
imq.jar - jms support
mail.jar - mail support
javax.persistence.jar - working with entities

I've found that if I reference my old connection factories and queues using explicit references via sun's api, that I can reach them, but I still am not able to access <strong>ejbs</strong> via jndi.

Here is how I was able to get the JMS client working. Where as in GF 2.1+ I was able to do the following:
// works in 2.1
factory = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("jms/ConnectionFactory")

In GFV3, I used information in this post [link][/link] to do this:

factory = new com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory();
((new com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory)factory).setProperty (ConnectionConfiguration.imqAddressList, "machineName:7676");

I took a similar approach for the destination queues. It appears that [b]the real problem is[/b] that I am not locating the jndi default properties, or the client is not finding them.

Now, the client can't seem to reach any ejbs via remote reference:

remoteEJB = (MyRemoteInterface) context.lookup ("ejb/MappedName");
Throws exceptions.

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need To Specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.initial.

I've done a search in all of the jar files that are included within GFV3 and can't find this file, does anyone know where this file is or how to resolve it? Am I including something incorrectly?

I've also tried including alot more jar files - but it appears to make the problem significantly worse :(

I believe that the most helfpul exception is
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