Hi all,
Has anyone succeeded in enabling the security manager and still being
able to run rails applications?
I'm running glassfish v3
I deployed a rails app using the directory deployer (asadmin deploy .)
Everything works fine without security manager, but after enabling it,
I get 500's
Judging by the rails error log, I suspect it to be unable to access
the session or some cookie.
I tried to find the audit log, but couldn't find it anywhere.
I have 3 questions:
- How can I enable logging of security violations and where do I find the logs?
- Is anyone aware of a good default jruby+rails permission set? or a
list of possible grant options? or documentation for the security
- I will be running multiple apps (on multiple virtual hosts) and I
don't want them to access the filesystem directories belonging to
other apps. Do I need to run different domains for this? or is it
possible to do per-app security configuration and just use 1 domain?