How do logon or set principle/roles/groups when using Embedded API

From: <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 19:31:47 PST


I want to unit test (actually more of an integration test) my EJB's (3.x). I'm trying to use the Embedded API with Java EE 6 and glassfish v3 to call my EJB. I think it's close to working, it seems to create the bean and such, but my EJB has security constraints via @RolesAllowed annotations, and the first method call is failing because there appears to be no principle, roles, or groups active by default. How do I set this up to login as a particular user or at least specify some allowed roles for the caller?

Do I need to use JAAS or something like that? And if so, how? I do not see any examples anywhere for calling a EJB as a stand alone client that seem to be applicable with the Embedded API like this.

Maybe I could wrap the call with another EJB using @RunAs, but I really do not want to resort to that (if that would work, didn't try it yet).

Maybe there is a "-D" type parameter I need to specify when running the test class?

In case it matters, I using a JDBC realm, however I suspect this issue is independent of that (at least ideally the type of realm should be invisible to the client).

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