Re: How to use JSF 1.2 on Glassfish v3

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 15:19:39 -0800

On 12/13/09 11:02 AM, wrote:
> ICEfaces 1.8.x don't support JSF 2.0. I don't know why. ICEfaces logs on deploy: JSF 2.0 libraries detected. This version of ICEfaces is not supported on JSF 2.0. JSF 1.1 or 1.2 are required.
> ICEfaces is going to support jsf 2.0 in ICEfaces version 2.0 but it isn't production ready for a long time I think. (it have only a alpha 1 release right now)

When I saw Ted last (lead ICEFaces guy), he said that they were looking
at a Q1 release - sometime around Februaryish.

> We have now GF 2.1 production servers running these ICEfaces apps but it is too heavy for our needs. GF v3 (web profile) is really light and just perfect for our needs.
> The apps are in production use so we must use official ICEfaces packages and can't recompile them with jsf 2.0 libraries.

If you're worried about that, I'd think you'd also be worried about
running JSF 1.2 within GFv3, which is totally untested as well...