Re: How do I reset glassfish/esb server listener ip address on dev laptop?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 08:11:55 PDT

> Did you shut it down and restart it after
> changing networks? I would expect GF to use the
> standard Java networking libraries to create a new
> listener in which case it's not GF itself that's
> getting it wrong.

> I would expect this scenario to work: at work,
> shutdown GF then shutdown Windows; at home, boot
> Windows, start GF. Does it?

Yes, I always shut glassfish, then windows, at work; then at home the reverse. I never leave the computer on (or stood by) when travelling.

After a shutdown, the admch file in domain1\config disappears, which tells me that the shut down has completed (at least something) properly.

When starting up however, the admch still logs the work ip address, and the logs all say "listening on <my laptop name>:8080 and 9080, and sometimes name the work ip address.

Hmm looking at the logs in more detail (searching for the IP address) it seems to be mainly the BPEL stuff that has the difficulties - standard glassfish packages get deployed and work normally - just the bpel ones break. Here is a bit of log:

Note that although the standard stuff works (i.e. I can still run the web services), it still listens on the wrong ip:

[#|2009-09-25T16:54:08.171+0100|INFO|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=28;_ThreadName=Thread-886;Servlet;Tariff;;|DPL5306:Servlet Web Service Endpoint [Tariff] listening at address []|#]

...but BPEL doesn't do the listen properly and hence won't work:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to open socket: host--MYLAPTOPNAME/ port--3343. You might have more than one project deployed in debug mode!

Note that "netstat -na | find "3343"" returns an empty list.

Thanks once more
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