Re: I started the fishcat testing program three days ago.

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 08:47:44 -0700

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Jack Sparrow wrote:
> Hi Judy
> How are you doing?
> I started the fishcat testing program three days ago.
> First senario is migration of my web service application from GFv2.1 to GFv3.
> It works but I found two problems.
> One of the problem is web service client.
> It needs to regenerate the web service client stab with wsgen.
> I think that GFv3 bundles the metro version is different from GFv2.1 may be.
> Another of the problem is generated web service stab compling error.
> It may be problem of NB6.8 M1.
> Second senario is migration of my web application with "JTA" from
> GFv2.1 to GFv3.
> Initial context factory class is failed to load.
> It may be changed the class. (issue 9793)
> Now I'm waiting for answering of this problem.
> Today (tue 29/9/2009 at JST) I will test for async servlet.
> I'm very interested in this specification.
> I want to create the async web application.