Re: How do I reset glassfish/esb server listener ip address on dev laptop?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 07:39:38 PDT

domain.xml defines a number of listeners, such as http-listener and iiop-listener.

Each of these defines what to listen on, via the address element. This can be an IP address, for [b]only[/b] local connections, or for connections from all configured networks.

I expect you need to use (to listen on all networks), but I don't know why it listened on the wrong one. Did you shut it down and restart it after changing networks? I would expect GF to use the standard Java networking libraries to create a new listener in which case it's not GF itself that's getting it wrong.

I would expect this scenario to work: at work, shutdown GF then shutdown Windows; at home, boot Windows, start GF. Does it?
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