Re: How do I reset glassfish/esb server listener ip address on dev laptop?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 06:21:18 PDT

> I think this post is relevant to your question:
> 378#365378

Hi Matterbury, thank you very much for taking the time to answer.

This is the other forum note:

> The likely cause is that you have configured GF to only listen on localhost (
> and not all interfaces ( You can test this theory by doing
> 'netstat -an|grep LISTEN|grep -w port' where port is the port you configured GF
> to listen on. It will either say or

>If so, you need to configure GF from the admin screen to listen on interface
> I don't exactly how but it should be reasonably obvious (it's the http service you
> need to configure).

The domain.xml was originally configured to listen on - but for some reason Glassfish was doing a listen on the ip address allocated to my ethernet adaptor when I was in the office last week. It won't stop attempting to listen on that address.

I have tried changing domain.xml to listen on instead of but the only thing that has got me running again was to change the ip address on a local adaptor to match the ip address originally allocated last week, which is clearly barking!

Any other suggestions?

Thanks very much!
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