Re: secure ports (8080 -> 8181)

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 21:58:22 -0400

Salut Felipe!

Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> Hi there,
> my basic authentication started to work here.. but:
> Glassfish automatically switches the port from 8080 to 8181 when I try
> to access the secure pages...
> Problems is: I am using a proxy server (dyndns), and it would be
> easier if I can continue using the same port for security, just
> controlled by the path used to access my restful resources...
> questions:
> 1) how to change the ports ? (then I can even configure my proxy to a
> port of my choice . instead of the default number probably preferred
> by the attack bots)

the value is from domain.xml http-listener -> redirect-port:

> redirect-port
> if the connector is supporting non-SSL requests and a request
> is received for which a matching security-constraint requires
> SSL transport catalina will automatically redirect the
> request to the port number specified here

> 2) Is it possible to keep 8080 for all pages, just controlling the
> security through the roles and groups of my applications ? Does it
> make sense at all ?

You can use Grizzly's port unification for doing that:


which version of GlassFish are you using? Alexey recently re-added port
unification support in v3 (was removed until now).


-- Jeanfrancois

> glassfish is every day more joyful :)
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