Nested groups

From: Per Steffensen <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 10:47:59 +0200


Is there any way realms or security in general in Glassfish supports
nested groups. Security is controlled by putting some users in different
groups, mapping groups to roles and assign roles the access to perform
some service operations. The roles and roles-to-groups mapping is done
by the application. Groups and users in groups are defined by a
pluggable realm. But how can I (out of the box) make realms support
nested groups. By nested groups I mean a feature, where not only users
can be put in groups, but where groups can also be put in other groups.
The funtionality I want is that not only users in a specific group A
will be granted access to the roles associated with group A. Users in
groups B and C which is added inside group A will also be grant access
to the roles associated with group A. With that functionality you can
build hierarcies of groups, making it easies to administrate groups.

Does realms in Glassfish support any kind of nested groups?

Regards, Per Steffensen