Re: Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [AdapterDocQueryEJB] -- Referencing error: This bundle has no bean of name [AdapterDocQuerySecured]

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:18:11 -0400

Hi, Kieran

>One of the thing's I'd like to know is, where does Glassfish determine the name of beans associated with a given EJB? Is there a config file someplace that I'm not aware of?
We look at the ejb-jar.xml and EJB component annotation to decide the
ejb name (if it's not defined in either place, we used the unqualified
class name as the default ejb name based on the EJB spec).

The error you got does seem like when it's trying to match the ejb-name
referenced in the sun-ejb-jar.xml, it could not find a match.

I am not sure why there would be inconsistent behavior on different
machines, this part of the logic is deterministic. I assume the EJB
class and the ejb-jar.xml/sun-ejb-jar.xml are exactly the same across
all machines?

- Hong

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kieran Dunne []
>Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:31 PM
>Subject: FW: Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [AdapterDocQueryEJB] -- Referencing error: This bundle has no bean of name [AdapterDocQuerySecured]
>Mark S. White suggested that I post this to the Glassfish forum instead of the GlassfishESB forum. Original posting follows,
> Inconsistent results when deploying an EJB module to Glassfish. Operation
> has been tried on 4 developer machines; it works on two but fails on the
> other two. All four machines have the same build of Glassfish running. On
> the machines that can deploy, they can always deploy the EJB. On the
> machines that fail, the deployment always fails. Code has been pulled from
> subversion; all four machines are attempting to deploy the same source code.
> The error message is:
> Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment
> descriptors for module [AdapterDocQueryEJB] -- Referencing error: This
> bundle has no bean of name [AdapterDocQuerySecured]
> In the Netbeans IDE, we have confirmed that there is an Enterprise Bean
> named AdapterDocQuerySecured as well as a Webservice named
> AdapterDocQuerySecured. Under src\conf there is a sun-ejb-jar.xml file.
> sun-ejb-jar.xml has this entry:
> <ejb
> <ejb-nameAdapterDocQuerySecured</ejb-name
> <webservice-endpoint
> <port-component-nameAdapterDocQuerySecured</port-component-name
> <endpoint-address-uri/NhinConnect/AdapterDocQuerySecured</endpoint-address-uri
> <login-config
> <auth-methodCLIENT-CERT</auth-method
> <realmcertificate</realm
> </login-config
> <transport-guaranteeCONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee
> </webservice-endpoint
> </ejb
> We examined the contents of the build directory on a machine that deploys
> the module and a machine that cannot deploy the module and the contents in
> both directories were identical. Also, during the course of debugging, we
> created a second EJB named AdapterDocQueryEJB2, which serviced the same
> wsdl. Attempting to deploy that EJB resulted in this error message:
> Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors
> for module [AdapterDocQueryEJB2] -- Referencing error: This bundle has no
> bean of name [AdapterDocQuerySecured]
> The WSDL is SAML enabled, which may be contributing to the behavior.
> Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kieran
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