Unable to Authenticate the user stored in OpenDS ldap through OpenSSO...

From: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:21:55 PDT

Hi All,

  I have problem on authenticate the ldap user through OpenSSO...These are the configuration i did.

1. First i installed OpenSSO 8 Enterprise.
2. Then followed the link
to implement the identity services in opensso which is in the Glassfish Server.
3. In the above link i deployed the war opensso.war and created user in opensso console and tried to do the authentication. It was successfull.

4. Then today i tried to setup the OpenDS ldap directory and integrate it with OpenSSO. I followed the below url for the complete integration.

5. And i created one user in LDAP and tried to access it through OpenSSO. But its not getting authenticate. Its throwing error with Invalid credentials.

6. I had two ldaps in OpenSSO. One is Embedded one which come with openSSO and another one is mine "CSS_LDAP".

7. The user i created in LDAP not getting authenticate so i deleted the Embedded one. Still the issue exists.

I hope the call from web application going to opensso, there its not finding the rite datastore and issue coming...

Can anyone explain me where i am doing mistake Or I have to do some more configuration?

I just need to create my own user in OpenDS and wants to authenticate through OpenSSO.

Thanks in Advance.

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