Re: Can't publish to GF in eclipse. Get Message - "May be locked by another process"

From: Rochelle Raccah <Rochelle.Raccah_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 16:04:10 -0700

Please check if this is the same as

You can add yourself to the interest list and add your comments/sample
project to there as well.


ets04uga wrote:
> Hello-
> I have a Dynamic Web Project that uses another java project checked
> (CommonUtils) in the Java EE Dependencies to be set as jar files in the lib
> folder. I am using a local instance of Glassfish as an application server
> and these java projects have been used in other Web projects that were
> previously published to the GF server either under the same domain or
> another domain. When I try to publish any changes to GF server I get the
> message that the java project jar(CommonUtils.jar) file can't be deleted
> because it may be locked by another process.
> The worked around is as follows:
> 1. remove the web project in eclipse from the server
> 2. stop the server
> 3. restart the server
> 4. add the project back in eclipse.
> Any ideas what the issue is. I'm not sure if this if Glassfish or eclipse
> related.
> I've tried creating a new domain with only the absolute minimum necessary
> jar files and still get the error.
> Thanks,
> E