Re: (Cluster)not supported for non-DAS target

From: <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 02:03:21 +0100

This error is not there anymore

Thank you


From: Eve Pokua
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:15 PM
To: glassfish users GFusers
Subject: (Cluster)not supported for non-DAS target

I had Sun application server installed on windows (development profile). I recently upgraded it within the admin console to clusters profile. I even was able to create a nodeagent to another Glassfish v2.1 installed on another PC and it was successfully. Now I am trying deploy an application to my cluster on the sun application server. In the Application node, Enterprise Application, I added my cluster as one of the targets then I get the following error.

Creation of reference for application in target Cluster1 failed; Directory deployment is not supported for non-DAS target. Directory deployment is not supported for non-DAS target.
The idea is to deploy it to the cluster so I can access the same application from the other clusters on the other PC.
Your suggestions appreciated.

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