Re: Deploying jruby + rails + spring on GlassfishV3 ?

From: Ijonas Kisselbach <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 18:42:56 +0100

Thanks Vivek,

That answer explains a lot. I'll take things up with Nick, once he's
back from his holidays and I've managed to clear some work off my
schedule, hopefully I'll be able to help out on the jruby-rack work.


On 13 Aug 2009, at 18:18, Vivek Pandey wrote:

> Hi Ijonas,
> GlassFish supports pure rails application directory deployment. In
> your case, it is mix of Servlet/Spring and Rails and this
> application needs to be handled thru a Servlet container and
> typically would need to follow WAR layout as you mentioned in your
> mail.
> With Servlet 3.0 pluggability, a simplified WAR deployment is
> possible. Here much of the details such as packaging as WAR or need
> to provide as web.xml can be hidden from the user. This can be
> achieved by adding Servlet 3.0 support to jruby-rack[1]. I have
> discussed this thing with Nick Sieger and I even started some work
> on a jruby-rack git branch but not much progress have been made
> there. It would be best to discuss this issue on users_at_jruby and see
> if Nick or someone from jruby-rack community can contribute to
> Servet 3.0 feature in jruby-rack to allow agile development of Rails
> +JavaEE/Spring etc.
> This has been discussed in GlassFish v3 functional spec[2] section
> 4.1.4. Or you can directly refer to JavaEE6 and Scripting
> alignment[3].
> -vivek.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Ijonas Kisselbach wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apologies if you read this on the JRuby mailing list... its a half-
>> JRuby half-Glassfish question...
>> I've got a JRuby On Rails application which has a dependency on
>> Spring and JMS. I've got it happily deploying as a WAR file and as
>> an "exploded WAR", i.e. a folder, inside JBoss proving both
>> database, Spring, and JMS connectivity.
>> However I'd like to be able to develop the Rails app similarly to
>> developing MRI-based Rails using Webrick/Mongrel, i.e. with the
>> ability to edit controllers and views and see those changes by a
>> mere refresh of the browser and not as is currently the case by
>> going through a webapp-redeploy process.
>> From reading and messing about with Glassfish V3, it seems this is
>> my best option to get the desired kind of development environment
>> setup. All the docs I've read on Kenai and Anul Gupta's blog deal
>> with the "simple" or typical Rails app, i.e. standard MVC with no
>> dependency on Spring.
>> My question is: is my "desired" setup currently possible using
>> Glassfish V3? If so, can someone point me to some docs that
>> explain how to achieve this ? For example, I'm not sure if I
>> should deploy as a Rails app or as WEB-INF/Servlet app inside
>> Glassfish V3 ?
>> Many thanks,
>> Ijonas Kisselbach.
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