Re: Deploying jruby + rails + spring on GlassfishV3 ?

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:49:17 -0700

Ijonas Kisselbach wrote:
> Thanks Vivek,
> That answer explains a lot. I'll take things up with Nick, once he's
> back from his holidays and I've managed to clear some work off my
> schedule, hopefully I'll be able to help out on the jruby-rack work.
This sounds great! I hope to hear more from you.



> Regards,
> Ijonas.
> On 13 Aug 2009, at 18:18, Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> Hi Ijonas,
>> GlassFish supports pure rails application directory deployment. In
>> your case, it is mix of Servlet/Spring and Rails and this application
>> needs to be handled thru a Servlet container and typically would need
>> to follow WAR layout as you mentioned in your mail.
>> With Servlet 3.0 pluggability, a simplified WAR deployment is
>> possible. Here much of the details such as packaging as WAR or need
>> to provide as web.xml can be hidden from the user. This can be
>> achieved by adding Servlet 3.0 support to jruby-rack[1]. I have
>> discussed this thing with Nick Sieger and I even started some work
>> on a jruby-rack git branch but not much progress have been made
>> there. It would be best to discuss this issue on users_at_jruby and see
>> if Nick or someone from jruby-rack community can contribute to Servet
>> 3.0 feature in jruby-rack to allow agile development of
>> Rails+JavaEE/Spring etc.
>> This has been discussed in GlassFish v3 functional spec[2] section
>> 4.1.4. Or you can directly refer to JavaEE6 and Scripting alignment[3].
>> -vivek.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Ijonas Kisselbach wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Apologies if you read this on the JRuby mailing list... its a
>>> half-JRuby half-Glassfish question...
>>> I've got a JRuby On Rails application which has a dependency on
>>> Spring and JMS. I've got it happily deploying as a WAR file and as
>>> an "exploded WAR", i.e. a folder, inside JBoss proving both
>>> database, Spring, and JMS connectivity.
>>> However I'd like to be able to develop the Rails app similarly to
>>> developing MRI-based Rails using Webrick/Mongrel, i.e. with the
>>> ability to edit controllers and views and see those changes by a
>>> mere refresh of the browser and not as is currently the case by
>>> going through a webapp-redeploy process.
>>> From reading and messing about with Glassfish V3, it seems this is
>>> my best option to get the desired kind of development environment
>>> setup. All the docs I've read on Kenai and Anul Gupta's blog deal
>>> with the "simple" or typical Rails app, i.e. standard MVC with no
>>> dependency on Spring.
>>> My question is: is my "desired" setup currently possible using
>>> Glassfish V3? If so, can someone point me to some docs that explain
>>> how to achieve this ? For example, I'm not sure if I should deploy
>>> as a Rails app or as WEB-INF/Servlet app inside Glassfish V3 ?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Ijonas Kisselbach.
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