Re: Glassfish Loadbalancer Performance??

From: Kshitiz Saxena <Kshitiz.Saxena_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:46:39 +0530

Where do you get this error? If it in client log, then web-server is not
able to handle so many connections. You need to configure web-server
accordingly. Also check number of open connections on web-server machine.


pccontact wrote:
> Dear all,
> As another thread stated. I am using Glassfish with Sun Web server 7 as my
> loadbalancer to increase the total throughput for my system.
> My Glassfish only response 500 TPS and I wish the load-balancer can response
> more with more Glassfish server.
> Unfortunately, I configure the Sun Web server but when I used SOAP UI to
> send more than 256(exactly) threads at same time then some request will say
> " reset".
> Can anyone help me to increase the throughput for the Load Balancer?
> Help me to configure the SUN web server 7.
> Or can you give any other solution.
> Should Apache Loadbalancer better performance?
> Thank you all!!