Re: Java EE 6

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 10:36:08 -0700

Good to hear from you again, vkoniecz. We appreciate all of the
feedback on this thread. More below.

On Jul 23, 2009, at 8:52 AM, wrote:

> Hello,
> There are some interesting points made in this thread.
> I hope that everyone will not get too hot so that something good
> could happen from this.
> In a way, I agree with Markus. Not on all points but on the main
> points, I agree.
> I am also an experienced software architect so I also think that the
> entry ticket may be high for some people. I am not working for a
> software editor but for a manufacturing company.
> The discussions are often very technical (could be expected) and
> sometimes I have the impression that the functionalities are a bit
> forgotten behind the technical side.
> JEE specifications exist so that higher level functionalities can be
> built atop all the core functionalities defined in those specs.
> Unfortunately those higher level functionalities are developed
> leading to constraints that may not penalize a small company with a
> few adaministrators or developers. But it is very painful to deploy
> GlassFish when you deal with 1000s projects / 1000s developers /
> 100s administrators, ... .
> An example: we can not use LDAP authentication because it requires a
> asadmin group.

In a prior life as a consultant, I ran into this limitation. Now as
product manager, I am working with engineering to address this
particular issue, although in GlassFish v3. Based on prior (and
ongoing) conversations, I do understand your particular environment.

> We have a LDAP, a very huge LDAP ... so we can not define one
> asadmin group or as many asadmin subgroup as would be required. Tt
> is difficult to understand that this kind of constraints still
> exist ... But it exists and we are trying to deploy GlassFish
> despite that maybe the company I work for may be just too big for
> GlassFish ...
> On the other side, its size may not make it representative of the
> average company using GlassFish. But there may be a lot of companies
> that would be blocked by such a constraint.
> Some other expected higher level functionalities are cumbersome to
> use at the present time. (expected from an Enterprise level server)

Please keep the feedback coming. It's not hitting the dead queue :-)

> And GlassFish may end being used only as a .... web server ...
> (Servlet + JSP)
> Well implementing JEE specs is one thing, providing those
> functionalities is another one.
> All this to say that the community may well contribute positively
> with the specification of those higher level functionalities so that
> they can be used by as many people as possible by providing relevant
> feedbacks.
> And well, we can also say there is some chance that the
> implementation of those higher level functionalities may have
> impacts on the implementation of the core functionalities ...
> For contributing with code, it is more difficult. It depends on
> every company policy.
> The other point could be that my company is interested in a stable
> and mature application server for production usage. So JEE6 and
> GlassFish v3 may be out ot question for several years.
> So what about the engineering meetings with JEE5 and GF v2.1 ?

We are happy to have these discussions, but keep in mind that some
features require quite a bit of product modifications (such as Role
Based Access Control) since it is a cross-cutting concern. This may
impact the very stability you are looking for. As a result, we tend to
reserve some of these features for major product releases.

I would like to say THANK YOU (again) for all of the feedback you have
been giving.

> My 25 cents ... I hope ...
> Bye
> [Message sent by forum member 'vkoniecz' (vkoniecz)]
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