RE: Java EE 6

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:05:39 +0200

The community appreciates all that work I it is clear that Mark was


But actually, the community wants to do more than just nightly test
drives. They want contribute to the features, and they want to
contribute to the specifications and project management. And that is a
point where community ends in the Sun / Oracle world currently.





From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009 15:32
Subject: Java EE 6


On Jul 22, 2009, at 10:04 PM, Mark Mielke wrote:

        My only complaint with Sun is how slow things move, and
especially of late. I'd like Java EE 6 to be out as a production quality
release tomorrow. :-)


Or yesterday ? :-)


EE 6 involves multiple parties and multiple specifications that need to
align, some of these specifications are not yet final and while close to
being so there are still some ongoing changes/discussions, and of course
the relevant implementations need to change as well.


Getting all these technical "ducks" aligned is hard work (the "herding
cats" analogy also applies) so it can take time. In my personal opinion
i think many people from many companies or as individuals are working
quite hard to ensure that EE 6 gets finalized.



I think where the community can help is when an EE 6 feature gets put
into the trunk that people can give it is test drive in a nightly build.
For example many EJB 3.1 features are now available, IIRC there is some
JSF stuff, and there is partial integration of 299.


I work on JAX-RS/Jersey and EJB 3.1 integration is available. I will be
implementing Servlet 3.0 and 299/330 integration at some point. I will
ping this list when such implementations become available. The Aquarium
blog is a good source of information for when features are available.

