RE: Re: GlassFish getting "Merged" with WebLogic?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 20:48:37 +0200

There is one fault in the below idea: In fact I WANT TO PAY to get the
P1 fixed, but Sun just does not provide a subscription to me. Actually
they did run out of excuses after I asked them EACH WEEK for several
months when I will get my offer. While the contact himself was upset
about that, he couldn't tell me why Sun just does not offer a
subscription. It just looks like they do not want to sell more contracts
unless the Oracle deal is fixed. THAT is our current problem: The
practice, not the theory.


Also it should be clear that least users are able to fix a P1 bug of
such a complexity. The average user would need months to learn about the
internal structures and side effects of most GlassFish parts. We do not
talk about HelloWorld or a simple text editor here, but about millions
of LoC which must be understood to provide a *real* fix (Sun once said
that most fixes sent in by community users will not be merged directly
but Sun starts again to develop their own fix, since the community fixes
are not sophisticated enough).


In true FOSS-style, if we don't like what we are getting, we can branch
the community and put up or shurt up. It's not Sun's nor Oracle's
responsibility to provide P1 fixes for free to the community. If we are
not paying subscription prices - then it is up to *us* to contributor,
and put our own skin into the game, to fix the problems, and push them
back upstream for the benefit of all. If we want somebody else to fix it
for us - we either sell our case to others, such that those with the
resources and competency to perform the fix are compelled to work on it,
or we pay somebody else to do it.