RE: Re: GlassFish getting "Merged" with WebLogic?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 17:53:09 +0200

> Perhaps you do not understand that an acquisition is still pending,
> not a "done deal" -- and at this point Sun and Oracle are still
> independent, publicly traded US companies, with limits on what
> employees of those companies can say about the future.

I understand that very well, but the questions are: (a) Why Oracle's
Boss already told about the future of other Sun products but not about
GlassFish, and (b) why obviously a lot of projects at Sun seems to be
actually stalled but neither Sun nor Oracle giving any comment about
that. I mean, what is the problem to tell to the public: "Unless the
situation is cleared, Sun will not invest anymore in this or that
project"? The public has a right to now about the facts.
