Re: Glassfish does not find bean on another Glassfish server

From: <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 08:07:29 PDT

If you have your servlet in GF#1 and your bean in GF#2, then it does not work, correct?

I am suggesting that if you then do [b]nothing[/b] except deploy the bean to GF#1 and try again, then [i]if[/i] it works it can only be because the servlet is and was always looking for the bean on the same app.server it is on. In other words, you are not correctly pointing it to GF#2.

Based on your initial post, you appear to [i]trying[/i] to make it lookup on GF#2 (you set the host IP address in the context properties), but something must be going wrong so that it is always looking on the same host. So some property(s) is/are wrong - are you [b]sure[/b] the IP address is correct (why use an IP address and not a hostname)?; are you using clustering?; is the class correct?
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