Re: How to reset monitoring stats?

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:32:35 -0700

Hi Sean,

Not sure if you are asking for the API to do it, or how to do it in the Admin Console.
Console can only display the data,  and  iirc,  there is no API for us to reset the monitoring statistic to zero.  That seems to be true for both v2 and v3.
Which version are you using ?
Maybe the  backend monitoring team can provide more info.


Comerford, Sean wrote:
How to reset monitoring stats? Is there a way to reset the monitoring statistics in general or at least specifically for applications?

Basically I want to zero out things all the stuff that shows up under the admin console monitoring tab like request count, processing time etc.

Been looking for a way in JMX but can’t seem to find it.

Sean Comerford, Software Engineer Site Architecture Group
Office: 860.766.6454    Cell: 860.951.6973