Re: Clustered setup (think Cloud) Glassfish v2 or v3?

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 10:57:43 -0700

Hi Barry
inlined responses :

Barry van Someren wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for helping me out on this, much appreciated.
> How likely is it to get GMS/Glassfish V2.1 to work on a VLAN based
> network without multicast (but broadcast or some other mechanism)?
In GF 2.1.1 builds (release October 09), we have just added the ability
to configure Shoal to use one of its members as a virtual multicast
router when network level multicast is disabled. But it is not tested
and we have some ways to go on that. It is not part of our must-haves
for that release.

> I noticed that running under a security manager is also not supported
> for V3, which is a feature I do need so for now I'll stick with the
> production tested V2 with the exception of some standalone nodes
> perhaps.
I do not know much about the limitations wrt turning on security
manager. Ron or Shingwai or Jerome should be able to help with this point.

If you are looking for production supported v2.x clustering on a cloud
deployment, may I hazard a suggestion to consider going in for a support
subscription from Sun ? :)
That way we can re-prioritize our efforts to get you the requisite high
availability features tested for a non-multicast environment.

We are currently prioritizing towards meeting both the revenue oriented
features( in v2.x and Sailfin), and Java EE 6 support (v3).

> I can also help with the testing of V3 Clustering if we get
> the right setup into images (provisioning a bunch of servers takes
> less than an hour and then they are ready for testing)
We would certainly warmly welcome your help in this area. Will keep you
posted on v3 clustering work once we get on it in the coming months.

> Glassfish V2 only works with multicasting?

At the moment, on the released FCS (supported) version of v2, Yes, its a
The nightlies/promoted builds for v2.1.1 have support for non-multicast
GMS configuration but it has not undergone any functional or system
level testing (it is not part of the must-haves in the release criteria).

I am sorry we are a bit behind wrt your expectations but given our
resources, we are focusing on the above-mentioned goals.

best regards
> Regards,
> Barry
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 18:31, Shreedhar
> Ganapathy<> wrote:
>> We have not started any work wrt cluster and session state replication in
>> the v3 workspace.
>> I believe though that you can front separate v3 instances with Apache mod_jk
>> with sticky loadbalancing but that would be without session state
>> availability.
>> We plan to get to it as soon as we are done with Sailfin v2.
>> Barry van Someren wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ah, as far as I know there is no support for Multicast where I am
>> right now, except maybe for the IPv6 part.
>> I'll have to do some digging.
>> What level of Clustering is currently supported in V3 (I read that it
>> works with mod_jk, does that mean http session clustering? What about
>> EJB/RMI clustering?)
>> I don't "need" all the features from the V2 clustering (I could use
>> plain weighted HTTP/sticky loadbalancing, provision the nodes using
>> scripts.. etc) but I would like the cluster to be able to share HTTP
>> state and perhaps also EJB/RMI clustering.
>> Regards,
>> Barry
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 16:49, Shreedhar
>> Ganapathy<> wrote:
>> Hi Barry
>> Nice thread. :)
>> One issue with cloud environments is that they do not support multicast
>> traffic. And GF v2 relies on Shoal GMS's autodiscovery mechanism for
>> discovering cluster members whic relies on multicast support as of v2
>> release. We have added non-multicast discovery but that has not be tested
>> for production use yet. So that may be one of the issues with using v2 on
>> cloud env especially when using clustering and replication.
>> v3.1 is slated for next year around May or so.
>> --Shreedhar
>> Barry van Someren wrote:
>> All,
>> I've been using Glassfish for a few years now and am a strong believer
>> in it's capabilities and stability along with Sun Web server 7.
>> My experiences have mostly been with single server setups.
>> Lately I've been working on setting up Java based hosting and I'm
>> looking for some opinions.
>> My hosting setup is based on a combination of Cloud Nodes (much like
>> EC2 only with both monthly and hourly options) and physical hardware
>> (for MySQL databases, since running these of a shared SAN is a bad
>> idea)
>> I was thinking that Glassfish is moving more and more into the
>> direction of being an excellent cloud based hosting environment.
>> (support for clustering out of the box, excellent management)
>> Not just for Java, but also for PHP and Ruby.
>> I'm wondering though, what pitfalls should I think about?
>> -What about security? Is setting a good security policy and separating
>> the threadpools enough?
>> -Performance and isolation? (I vaguely remember Glassfish V3/Grizzly
>> having more control over priority of requests for QOS)
>> One thing that has me torn right now is that Glassfish V2 comes with
>> excellent clustering/management support that will perfectly fit the
>> bill.
>> V3 on the other hand has more hosting options and has a great modular
>> infrastructure which I'll probably build plugins for.
>> I know V3.1 will be even greater, but should I wait for it? How long will
>> it be?
>> Is there a way that I can help out to get the clustering support into
>> V3 quicker?
>> Regards,
>> Barry
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