Re: docroot of web app / mod_jk

From: <>
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 12:23:41 PDT


yes, I use mod_jk, but I am not very happy with that as the port 8009 is even open to outside if you do not have a proper firewall in place.

All you do is, set in your apache virtual host config this for mod_jk:

JKMount /* worker1
JKMount /*.jsp worker1

for the rest is glassfish responsible. apache forwards a request and GF responds from the correct root.

I have set this up in the server config.

the most important thing seems to be, that you remove from the virtual host config option inside the deployed web apps the standard entry 'server', and replace it with your own virtual host instead.

once done, no need, to start a URL like this

the docroot may be left standard. this does not affect anything. but you need to set the doployed standard webapp inside your virtualhost settings of Glassfish.

Please let me know, if I may assist you any further.

It was indeed a milestone and very time consuming for me as well to find this out. But once found how everything plays together, it is really easy.

I will issue soon a complete paper, what describes this step by step how to set up virtual hosts.

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