As you have found out, when you start an instance a "fresh" copy of what was
deployed originally gets synchronized to the instance underneath the
nodeagents directory. The "fresh" copy is located under the domain directory
in the exact location you would find it under the instance directory. So if
you update the files there then when you restart your instance the "fresh"
copy would include the modified or new files.
When you start the instances it will always sync. If you start the node
agent with the asadmin command, which starts the instances, then you can
include a "--syncinstances false" option which won't delete what is in the
instance directory.
I'm not familiar with lifecycle modules or know the best solution for your
situation but but hopefully an expert will reply to your message.
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:28 AM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've GF 2.1 installed on a unix box. I've multiple instances.
> These instances located under ./nodeagents/... have a config directory.
> In this directory I've some files that are loaded e.g. from my lifecycle
> module.
> But all [u]new[/u] files that I copy to that directory are getting deleted
> after a restart of the instance. [u]Older[/u] files remain.
> That does not happen with the default admin instance (server1).
> But this instance I can only start with the asadmin command.
> [b]
> What the heck is that?
> [/b]
> I really need any idea?
> thanks and best regards
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