Re: Apache 2.2 + = solved

From: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 08:38:29 PDT

So, you have the error:
[Wed Mar 18 15:03:33 2009] [alert] ERROR:NSS could not be initialized; The issue may be missing security DB files under /usr/local/apache22/sec_db_files; Please ensure that secmod.db, key3.db and cert7.db files are present under /usr/local/apache22/sec_db_files; Refer documentation for more details; Aborting Plugin initialization ...

Short description:
You will get this error only(?) if httpd.conf contains ssl and mod_loadbalancer modules together, like:
# cat httpd.conf| grep -i loadmodule | egrep "ssl|loadbalancer"
LoadModule apachelbplugin_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/

1. bundled openssl installed under /usr/sfw/
2. you have to install customed openssl (sunfreeware, opencsw)
3. recompile apache, use: --enable-ssl, --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl
4. check mod_ssl
# ldd ./ | grep ssl => /usr/local/ssl/lib/ => /usr/local/ssl/lib/
5. restart apache
6. smile
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