PWC6033: How to circumvent?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 02:53:07 PDT


I'm literally following the tutorials at

In both cases i'm getting the error:

...PWC6033: Klasse für JSP kann nicht kompiliert werden
...cannot find symbol
symbol : class NewBean1
(with multiple repeatings)

My google search for only the term "PWC6033" produces just a few hundred results, all pointing to some try-and-error-hackings in some forums round the world.
Not a single tutorial or documentation entry!
And nothing in the try-and-error-hacking-discussions helps so far (1 working day spend).

Is there any guy out there at sun who can answer to this problem and lead me to a solution?

Are the tutorials meant for a very sophisticated environment?
(I have a completely standard installation of Netbeans Glassfish+Tools...)
What should that environment look like?

I have tried so far for example:

- Looked around in the server configuration pages in netbeans for any possibility to setup a class path (as found as a hint in the try-and-error-discussions): Noting found!

- Looked around in the whole file system for a dropping place of the web archive: It simply doesn't seem to exist except in the netbeans user project folder!
(Under Tomcat the war archive had to be placed in a webapps folder in the webserver directory - that was simple enougth to understand. Under Glassfish, it seems to follow a complete other philosophy - which i have not understand so far...)

Any ideas?
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