Re: Glassfish in-memory cluster not working

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:50:56 -0800

Hi rjoshi
When instances are across machines, you need to front it with a load
balancer to not only balance/distribute load but also provide consistent
session identification from the LB to the browser.

For your immediate experimentation, you can stop the cluster, create an
additional instance on your mac or pc, restart node agent and cluster,
and use the browser to move from one instance on one machine to another
instance on the same machine after creating a session. In this case, you
can see session information without LB.
When you move from machine to macine, the host name changes in the URL,
the browser's cached cookie would have encoded the previous host's
address and hence the session would be treated by the next instance as a
new session.


rjoshi wrote:
> I successfully created a cluster with two instances/nodeagents; one running
> on my mac and other on windows XP. I deployed clusterjsp.war file and now
> it's accessible from both the machine.
> NOTE: We are going to use hardware load balancer in production so I have
> not installed http-loadbalancer.
> Questions: When I add some session data using
> http://rjoshi-mac:38080/clusterjsp (rjoshi-mac-instnace) and when I try to
> access the same page via http://rjoshi-xp:38080/clusterjsp, I don't see the
> session data added earlier. It does fetch the clusterjsp page from
> rjoshi-xp-instance.
> How do I make sure that in-memory cluster is enabled so I get the session
> data available in both the server?
> Am I missing anything?
> NOTE: Here is my configuration: rjoshi-mac is DAS as well nodeagent/instance
> rjoshi-xp is just a node.
> Cluster: rjoshi-mac.cluster
> Instances: rjoshi-mac-instance
> rjoshi-xp-instance
> Nodeagents: rjoshi-mac-nodeagent
> rjoshi-xp-nodeagent