Re: your current Glassfish evaluation

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 15:59:21 +0100

Hi again; schrieb:
> Thank you very much for your quick reply.

No problem. :)

> * Isn't there any little thing you don't like about Glassfish?
> Any problem, any misfunctionnement?

Of course there is, like it eventually is about any other piece of software
I use in my everyday life. ;) These are not really "problems" or serious
issues however; most of these things I noticed so far are smaller annoyances
or things that just simply could be improved. To provide a few examples:

- Glassfish V2, compared to other app servers, has a pretty extensive web
user interface for viewing the server log files, setting log levels, ... .
Right here, I somehow wished the logging ui would allow configuration of log
entries being dumped to dedicated log files based on a per-application-,
per-loglevel or whatever setting. It's not really required, but having this
feature at hand would ease some things (however we used tomcat before which
doesn't have such a feature at all).

- The admin_gui provides extensive tooling, like logging or also the "Web
Services" feature (including the visual tester). To make use of them however
you should adhere to some given technologies - using the logging web tooling
makes you want to use JDK logging (or some facade on top of it, like slf4j);
using the "Web Services" tab just works with JAX-WS/metro web services but
doesn't provide access to those i.e. implemented using Axis(2) or another
SOAP stack. This, also, is not too much of a a problem as you're free to use
these technologies and have the tooling at hand or use another technology
and still have at least a rather robust, stable Java EE application server.

> * Have you ever heard about Glassfish being used to develop a software
> which is interfaced with a NMS (Network Management System) or an OSS
> (operation support system)?

Depends on what you want to do. In our own facility we make use of nagios
for monitoring our Java EE applications (using some custom nagios modules
along with a piece of glue code i.e. for querying SOAP endpoints and the
like). This, however, solely provides monitoring support which is enough in
our case but might or might not meet your requirements. What kind of
integration are you likely to need here?

> * what do you thing about Glassfish load balancing possibilities?

Also should depend upon what you need: In our environment, glassfishv2 is
being run behind an apache2 front controller which does reverse proxying /
load balancing, and it does this rather good. This, however, is so far
limited to balancing HTTP load across two gfv2 instances, and so far we do
that without having the two application servers being "clustered" together
(i.e. session replication / failover in case of one node being down will not
work which is fine with us at the moment). For other setups (i.e. using Sun
Java System Web Server), you might want to have a look at

to get a quick clue of what's possible, the apache2 / http-proxy /
http-load-balancing way of doing things here is pretty generic and not
really tied to a glassfishv2 backend (which also has its advantages).

Cheers & all the best,

Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
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The earth might be uninhabited..."
//beckett / krapp's last tape//