Re: your current Glassfish evaluation

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 14:08:18 +0100

Hi there; schrieb:
> About Glassfish, what evaluation (please give a mark from 1=worst to
> 10=best) would you give concerning the following tests?

Asking such a question on a glassfish related list _might_ end up in biased
results, given that people are likely to be here for good reasons... ;)
Nevertheless, a few thoughts on that:

> * easy to install

Installation is pretty straightforward on most platforms I have tried it so
far. Installing v3 Prelude is even more straightforward (simply unzip and
run without actually requiring it to be installed).

> * easy deployment

We tend to deploy applications using the asadmin command from both within
NetBeans and maven2 automated builds; couldn't be much easier I think. :)

> * easy administration

Yes. In fact the web administration UI in my opinion is one of the biggest
advantages glassfishv2 has to offer.

> * easy IDE interfacing

We use the NetBeans 6.x tooling with leaves nothing to be desired, both in
terms of developing applications on top of glassfishv2 and in doing
small-term server management (application redeployment, ...).

> * easy developement

Development of what? Java EE applications to run on glassfishv2, or
developing glassfishv2 itself?

I would like to add two things to the "advantages" list:

* documentation: both the community-provided infos as well as the
documentations for "glassfish branded as Sun Java System Application Server"
are state of the art and hardly could be better.

* support: being "Sun supported Open Source", you can buy subscription and
support help for open-source glassfish without having to migrate to any
"professional" / "enterprise" version of the application server. This is
good in our environment where support isn't what we _start_ with but what is
definitely required at some point.

Just out of curiosity: What purpose are you evaluating glassfishv2 for? Do
you intend to replace an existing Java EE application server, or are you
rather about to start all over anew using Java EE?


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
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The earth might be uninhabited..."
//beckett / krapp's last tape//