Re: Big week for GlassFish support in Eclipse - Announcing GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse

From: Rochelle Raccah <Rochelle.Raccah_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 11:43:48 -0700

Hi Wouter,

Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi Rochelle,
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 03:14:00PM -0700, Rochelle Raccah wrote:
>> We look forward to your feedback!
> Congrats on the release candidate of the GlassFish Bundle for Eclipse. I have
> downloaded and installed it and seriously consider to use it at work. In our
> current project we are using Eclipse to develop an application based on several
> JBoss technologies (Hibernate, Seam and RichFaces) but in the end we will deploy
> this on GlassFish v2.
> My question is as follows: all our developers already have gone through a lot of
> work setting up their Eclipse environments, including several plugins like
> M2Eclipse, SubClipse, TestNG and ClearCode. It would mean a lot of work again to
> install all these plugins into the GlassFish bundle. What are the differences
> between using the Bundle and downloading the latest version of the GlassFish
> Plugin for Eclipse? Is it "only" the preconfigured GlassFish servers or is there
> more?

The preconfiguration of GlassFish one of the main parts, but there is more:
1) preconfiguration of datasource, jdbc driver for the derby database
2) a populated sample db
3) preconfiguration of a JDK (you'd be surprised how much trouble this
causes people if not properly done...)
4) javadoc and code completion for javaee 5 APIs
5) eclipse help for our bundle

My guess is, you can make do with your existing eclipse and
configuration - you've probably worked through all the kinks and have a
production db and your test db set up by now.

So, the additional help and javadoc integration would be the main thing
you would be missing if you got the plugin only.

> We are quite capable of configuring GlassFish v2 for ourselves or else I will
> help my colleagues. I would love to participate in testing the Bundle, but I
> also face the fact of not loosing too much time setting it up, cause
> unfortunately in these dire times time actually means a lot of money.
> Please advise!

My advice to you would be to use your existing eclipse for your real
development, but to try out the bundle quickly and play with it a bit,
and see if you notice anything else missing.

> Thanks and keep up the good work!


> Wouter van Reeven