GFv2ur2 has a Sleep Mode?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:51:37 +0100

Hello GlassFish Community,


we detected at several of our customers (and today in our own labs, too)
a strange behaviour: It looks like GFv2ur2 has a Sleep Mode!


We log into our ACC-driven Swing client and use it for a few seconds.
Then we just let it stand and do not touch it for a few minutes. Then we
click somewhere. Swing is still responsive but all server roundtrips (we
have not yet found out whether JMS operations or session bean calls)
seem to block! It happens just nothing, at least visually. No RAM / CPU
/ LAN / HDD usage. The client and server both have nothing to do. But
there just is no result. Then, about half a minute or a minute later, it
seems GF wakes up -- we get our result and from now on can work. Pretty
strange. We even can reproduce this in a VM with both server and ACC on
the same VM, with only one user attached, doing nothing but look how it


So my question is: Is there something like a sleep mode in GlassFish? Or
in the contained JMS engine?


While it is not a big problem for our customers, it is a bad situation
for us, since they lough about our client just hanging there and wait
for data... They think we are too dumb to write simplest programs...


Any idea is welcome!

