Re: Sun, IBM and future of Glassfish project?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 08:24:32 +0100

Hi Wolfram, *;

Wolfram Rittmeyer schrieb:
> I think as of now there is no reason to jump to any conclusions. First
> of all: We simply do not know what is going to happen. We can guess this
> and reason about that but in the end we have to wait whether the deal
> goes through and if so, what IBM is going to do.

Indeed. The only thing I hope here is that, no matter what decisions will be
made, it will be rather soon as uncertainty is surely likely to happen
projects like NetBeans, Glassfish and OpenSolaris (not sure about MySQL and

> My recommendation is to simply stick to GlassFish. Keep testing it, keep
> reporting issues, keep asking and answering questions and thus keep
> making GlassFish better. This is probably the best way to guarantee
> GlassFish's future.

At the moment that's exactly what we do, and so far I/we don't really feel
concerned. It's a great community, a great piece of software, a well
thought-out technology and really worth pursueing after all. The only thing
I wonder, here, is whether (no matter what might happen in the end) there
are things to be learnt from that, looking at Eclipse (Foundation), Apache
(Software Foundation) or the ObjectWeb (Consortium) behind JOnAS: Though I
fully subscribe to Suns idea of "supported open-source", one should think
whether, despite this business model, the applications themselves
(Glassfish, NetBeans, ...) also should be maintained by some sort of
foundation or any dedicated developer "community" (Codehaus comes to mind as
well). I am aware that also in such a model there still is uncertainty, but
I consider it to be way lower than in how the current development model of,
say, Glassfish or NetBeans looks like.

Well however, back to work. :)

Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
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The earth might be uninhabited..."
//beckett / krapp's last tape//