Re: Sun, IBM and future of Glassfish project?

From: Mark Mielke <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:05:28 -0400

Kristian Rink wrote:
> schrieb:
>> As a side note, the one I AM willing to guess about is Netbeans. It
>> would die. The good parts, such as the profiler, would hopefully be
>> retooled as Eclipse plugins.
> Usually these discussions indeed lead nowhere, but while we're at it: Given
> that this way IBM would gain full control of Java including Swing and all, I
> surely hope they finally put that crippled semi-portable UI framework (SWT)
> to rest and push forth Swing about that. And I surely hope (and actually
> would even help) for a NetBeans fork if this is how it has to go; working
> with both Eclipse and NetBeans on a daily basis right now, I don't need a
> second guess which one is the better of these tools (just see: profiling, UI
> designer, maven tooling, Glassfish integration, web services tooling
> (especially talking about clients), Java ME...)

NetBeans is a lot slower and missing has more limited auto-formatting
features. I choose NetBeans too - but I find myself missing Eclipse.


Mark Mielke <>