web service and web service client over ssl (cert.CertificateException)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 16:19:52 PST

Hi all,

i have done the WSIT tutorial

about Creatinig web service web application and web service client over ssl

i had a problems from these steps (problems step 5)

1. i could create calculatorWebservice succesufully and then i added secur service Transport Security(SSL)
2. added the security constraint to web.xml file
3. i run the project it seemed ok..
on my web service node i copied the wsdl link and pasted to on my browser which is http://localhost:8137/Calculations/CalculateService?wsdl

however, i needed to change it manually into

8238 is my secure port .at this step everthing looked ok. i could see my wsdl from here.
4. i create my calculator web service client to consume a wsit-enabled web service by creating Servlet .

5. i cut and paste the URL of ,y web service
while it was parsing xml said

it says me "unable to verify the identity of home-f0045512354 as a trusted site"

issued to: common name[cn]: home-f045512354

issued by: common name[cn]: home-f045512354 etc..

list the certificate information my web service. and asks me whether to accept this certificate or not
I accept the certificate.

in the log file said:
Error: an I/0 error occured.
the certificate is not trusted by ide trustmanager.

however, build successful
6. in the code i invoked the calculation web service method and run the
web application.

7. i had an exceptoin.. Failed to access the WSDL at: https://localhost:8238/Calculations/CalculateService?wsdl. It failed with: No name matching localhost found.
root cause No name matching localhost found
root cause No name matching localhost found

8. if it is successful , it will return the result of calculation..according to the tutorial.

Can anyone give me some advices..i ll be much appreciated. thank you
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