Yes, I've seen same problems. There is definitely something wrong with interaction between node agent and das. I haven't had that much time to test this, but problems exist. Especially there is problems running das and node agent within same machine, which usually is the case when doing testing.
One problem(with many other problems) occured when I disabled one application. That worked, but when I enabled it, there was no way to get it to syncronize to node agent. In this case it was disabled when node agent made initial synchronization.
If this is a wider problem, it's basically a showstopper on enterprise environments. Somethimes I feel that this project scope is too near to do bells and whistles. Personally I would like to get a working product so I could spent my time to do something productive, not finding bugs and sorting problems.
[Message sent by forum member 'jvalkeal' (jvalkeal)]