Re: JMS in GlassFish v2.1; appclient plans for v3 [was Re: Several questions about appserv-rt.jar... and more]

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 09:40:03 -0600

Hello, Antonio. I can answer some of your questions. I've modified the
subject in hopes of capturing the attention of people more familiar with
JMS than I am.

Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi all,
> I find myself constantly switching from Prelude V3 to GlassFish 2.1. I
> need to use V3 but because some features are not avaible
> yet (appclient, MQ...), I also use 2.1. For that I rely on Maven and
> switch pom.xml files.
> I need to run JMS in GF 2.1 without appclient, so I need a
> file. I know that there's a default one
> in appserv-rt.jar but I can't find it in the Maven repository (I've
> looked in,
> and even
> Do you know where I could
> find it ?
The in appserv-rt.jar is mostly there so that, if the
default behavior meets your needs, you don't need to worry about setting
up the JNDI explicitly yourself. I could be wrong, but I don't think
that file itself is intended as an externally-published file which is
why you are having trouble finding it in a repository.

By any chance have you read through this:

Although it discusses how to access EJB resources from a client it also
discusses naming issues which apply to queuing also. Have you tried
placing appserv-rt.jar in your class path (even though you are not
running your client as a Java EE app client)?

> BTW, is there any search engine on these 3 repositories ?
> On GF V3, do you plan to have such appserv-rt.jar (or with another
> name but a jar with a ?
That's the plan. The JAR will definitely not be appserv-rt.jar!
> Any roadmap for appclient on GF V3 ?
We have been targeting support for app clients in the v3 JavaOne
release. The official roadmap and schedule page is here

and be sure to check back because we are in the process of refining the

- Tim