help with jsr - 109 web service deployment ?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 04:13:14 PST


I've problem to deploy WS implemented as Statless session bean on Glassfish v2. Deployment ends with fatal error 'Ejb StatementServiceSoap implements 2 web service endpoints but must only implement 1'. Here is my configuration:


//_at_WebService(endpointInterface = "fenix.web.service.StatementServiceSoap", serviceName = "StatementServiceSoap")
//_at_SOAPBinding(style = Style.DOCUMENT)
@Stateless(name = "StatementServiceSoap")
public class StatementServiceSoapWS extends TransactionalBean implements StatementServiceSoap {




I'm using metro and documentation related to this issue is incomplete (see I have already tried to remove implements clause from the class as well as endpoint tags from annotation and ejb-jar.xml but nothing helped.
To be honest I'm also confused why any configuration file is required when annotations present. If I omit to define webservices.xml and consequently jaxrpc-mapping.xml,
the file sun-jaxws.xml is required during deployment.
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