Re: Glassfish component Start and stop command

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:00:13 -0800

Pavneet Kaur wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a asadmin command that we can use to start and stop
> components. I can see a command for application bundles such as EAR,
> WAR etc. though nothing for the EJBs directly.
Do you mean enable
<> and disable
<> commands in
GlassFish v2 ?

If the ejb is deployed as a stand-alone Java EE module then you can
enable(start)/disable(stop) similar to other Java EE modules. Pl. refer
the above enable and disable commands for more details.
> Greatly appreciate the help.
> Thanks,
> P
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