Re: GF and Mod_jk

From: Dominic McGinnis <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:12:48 -0800 (PST)

Thank you.  On another note, what is the memory footprint difference of using the jasper JSR-199 compiler?  We are in the processing of switching from a previous App container to Glassfish v2ur2 and have noticed that our application on Glassfish seems to consume memory more rapidly and do less aggressive Garbage Collecting, so I'm trying to find the delta's with regards to memory storage that may lead to this.  One such change is that on our previous App container we were not using JSR-199 though we are using JDK 1.6, so I was looking for the overhead and also how to turn off (i.e. use the pre-JSR-199 compiler) so I can run some performance comparsions. Thanks again, Dominic ________________________________ From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM> To: Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:51:15 PM Subject: Re: GF and Mod_jk Salut, Dominic McGinnis wrote: > Hi I¢m new to glassfish and I had a few questions regarding the HTTP Service setup for configurations and mod_jk. > >  > I have been able to get the JK Connector up and running from Apache 2.0 to Glassfish, but have some general configuration questions. > >    1. Do all requests come through this service, or just the requests to >      the registered ports?  i.e. if I utilize the JK Connector will it >      use the settings specified within the service? mod_jk listen on port 8009 for request from Apache using a special protocol called ajp. Once the protocol get decoded, the normal behavior happens, which means default-web modules, virtual-server, etc all apply. A+ -- Jeanfrancois >    2. As the HTTPS service appears to use the virtual server that loads >      the default-web.xml, if the above is false, then how can one >      specify the default-web.xml to load for use with the JK >      Connector?  Or do I need to include those within my applications >      descriptor web.xml to avoid possible issues? > > Thanks, > > Dominic > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: