Re: GF and Mod_jk

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 18:51:15 -0500


Dominic McGinnis wrote:
> Hi I¢m new to glassfish and I had a few questions regarding the HTTP
> Service setup for configurations and mod_jk.
> I have been able to get the JK Connector up and running from Apache 2.0
> to Glassfish, but have some general configuration questions.
> 1. Do all requests come through this service, or just the requests to
> the registered ports? i.e. if I utilize the JK Connector will it
> use the settings specified within the service?

mod_jk listen on port 8009 for request from Apache using a special
protocol called ajp. Once the protocol get decoded, the normal behavior
happens, which means default-web modules, virtual-server, etc all apply.


-- Jeanfrancois

> 2. As the HTTPS service appears to use the virtual server that loads
> the default-web.xml, if the above is false, then how can one
> specify the default-web.xml to load for use with the JK
> Connector? Or do I need to include those within my applications
> descriptor web.xml to avoid possible issues?
> Thanks,
> Dominic