problems with maven glassfish plugin

From: Weden Jason-RWC467 <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 10:41:23 -0500

I have a couple problems with the maven glassfish plugin:
1. When I create a domain on glassfish Windows XP using either the
<adminPassword> or the <passwordFile>, I can't log into the Admin
console locally at http://localhost:4848. I believe this is because the
"--passwordfile C:somedir" flag for create-domain that is auto-generated
as a result of the "mvn glassfish:create-domain" goal doesn't surround
the filepath by quotes. I turn echo on and I can't use the
create-domain command that is displayed without putting the filename in
quotes. The <adminPassword> option is equally problematic because that
just creates a temporary password file that is later erased but still
doesn't surround the filepath by quotes.
Is this a bug or am I missing something here?
2. Minor doc error at: .
The "Fairly Complete Example" is wrong. The <passwordFile> tag is not
spelled correctly in the example. The example shows <passFile> though
it is commented out.
Jason Weden
Motorola, Inc.