Re: Can not start glassfish v3 prelaude in debug mode

From: Sarah kho <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 03:12:28 +0330

I am sorry, I shuold have provided more information. I want to use the
prelude version with IDEA 8.01 and here are steps which result in the

1- When I run my application in IDEA, IDEA start glassfish using *asadmin
start-domain domain1* and it works fine.

2- when I start glassfish using *asadmin start-domain --debug domain1* it
works fine. but I do it out of the IDE.

I read this weblg:
learned some stuff about debugging glassfish based web applications in
IDEA and I tried to use its method for my own development environemtn. the
weblog is about remote debugging but I want to have local debugging and not
remote debugging. based on the weblog i tried the following:

3-When I open the administration conosle and select the debug checkbox in
Application Server> JVM settings>general tab IDEA can not start glassfish
and therefore i can not debug my application.

If I am wrong with the whole process, please let me know. I want to use
glassfish and debug my application localy instead of using remote debuggin.

Any help is really welcome.


On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Kedar Mhaswade <>wrote:

> Please check the server.log file at:
> <install-dir>/domains/domain1/logs/server.log. It could be that your
> debug port (9009) is taken?
> Are you saying that you can start the domain normally and it has
> issues only while starting in debug mode?
> -Kedar
> Sarah kho wrote:
>> hi
>> i am trying to use the following command to start glassfish in debug mode
>> with no luck.
>> asadmin start-domain --debug domain1
>> can you please let me know what is wrong that it does not starts and shows
>> the following message:
>> Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still
>> coming up
>> or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.
>> thanks.
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