Re: NB deploy question with GF v3

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:24:05 -0800

Hi Keith,

You have me filed correctly...

The short answer is NB uses directory deployment for all deployment to
GF v3 Prelude.

The api that we use is the http connector api that is also used by the
command-line utility asadmin.

There is very little copying in the NB/GF v3 Prelude environment.

What does 'directory deployment' mean in the context of GF v3 Prelude?

Well, basically, for GF a directory deployment is based on an exploded
version of an archive... You tell the server 'Hey, server... that
directory named /home/foo/NetBeansProjects/TheNextTwitter/build/web is a
web app that I want to call 'TNT' and I want you to start serving to
users as 'http://localhost:8080/TheNextTwitter' and the server does it....

I am pretty sure that our Ruby support does about the same thing...
though Peter will probably correct me if I am wrong.

So, basically... NB doesn't copy files into a GF directory like
/home/foo/glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy... it
tells GF, "Hey... this is a directory you need to use"...

Does that answer your questions or do you want more details?


Keith Babo wrote:
> Hey Vince,
> For some reason, I have you filed under GF/NB dude, so that's why you
> are getting this email. Apologies if I have you misfiled. ;-)
> Can you provide me a brief explanation of how deployment works from NB
> to GF v3? Is NB using the GF deployment APIs or is it a
> directory-based approach? I'm particularly interested in containers
> other than Java EE, like JRuby. I have heard that NB simply copies
> the jruby files into a GF directory and GF deploys from there. Is
> that true?
> thanks,
> keith