Re: Can not start glassfish v3 prelaude in debug mode

From: NBW <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 22:02:55 -0500

This isn't really a Glassfish question per se, more an IDEA project settings
issue. A useful resource is the IDEA community forums here:

They main IntelliJ community page is here:

I use IDEA 8.01 on a daily basis with Glassfish v2 and have both local and
remote debugging profiles that work great. I have not tried it with v3
prelude at all and if any of the asadmin command have changed it's quite
possible that you will need to wait for IDEA to be updated to support them.
I would try searching the forum 1st and posting your question there if you
don't find it already answered. In the event it isn't yet supported you can
search their JIRA bug database (linked from the community site) and file an
RFE. They are quite responsive. I've had several issues in the past resolved
in a timely fashion that way.

Good luck and feel free to let me know what you find out, though I don't
expect to be spending a lot of time with v3 anytime soon.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Sarah kho <> wrote:

> I am sorry, I shuold have provided more information. I want to use the
> prelude version with IDEA 8.01 and here are steps which result in the
> problem:
> 1- When I run my application in IDEA, IDEA start glassfish using *asadmin
> start-domain domain1* and it works fine.
> 2- when I start glassfish using *asadmin start-domain --debug domain1* it
> works fine. but I do it out of the IDE.
> I read this weblg:
> learned some stuff about debugging glassfish based web applications in
> IDEA and I tried to use its method for my own development environemtn. the
> weblog is about remote debugging but I want to have local debugging and not
> remote debugging. based on the weblog i tried the following:
> 3-When I open the administration conosle and select the debug checkbox in
> Application Server> JVM settings>general tab IDEA can not start glassfish
> and therefore i can not debug my application.
> If I am wrong with the whole process, please let me know. I want to use
> glassfish and debug my application localy instead of using remote debuggin.
> Any help is really welcome.
> thanks
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Kedar Mhaswade <>wrote:
>> Please check the server.log file at:
>> <install-dir>/domains/domain1/logs/server.log. It could be that your
>> debug port (9009) is taken?
>> Are you saying that you can start the domain normally and it has
>> issues only while starting in debug mode?
>> -Kedar
>> Sarah kho wrote:
>>> hi
>>> i am trying to use the following command to start glassfish in debug mode
>>> with no luck.
>>> asadmin start-domain --debug domain1
>>> can you please let me know what is wrong that it does not starts and
>>> shows the following message:
>>> Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still
>>> coming up
>>> or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.
>>> thanks.
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