Re: Glassfish on FreeBSD for production use

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:29:30 -0800

Hi Martijn.

GlassFish is very portable and it runs in _many_ platforms, and Sun
supports it officially in quite a number of them, some using Sun's JVM,
some using IBM's JVM. FreeBSD is not one of Sun's supported platforms
but GF should run fine there; IIRC, the first report was back in 2006,
see [1]

If you need formal support, we will always consider adding a new
supported platform but we need some commercial justification to do that.
  Alternatively, we might be able to find a smaller SI that can give you
support for your platform.

Let me know if I can help.

        - eduard/o

Martijn S wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I want to start deploying an application on serveral locations using
> Glassfish V2. All of our twenty-something servers run FreeBSD, so I'd prefer
> to use it for this new application. However I'm not sure if this is a good
> idea.
> Am I right in thinking 'a JVM = a JVM' and that Glassfish should work fine
> once I have it running, or can I expect to experience problems? I really
> like Glassfish, but I'd really like to stick to FreeBSD, too. There's not
> much information to be found on the subject on-line.
> Your input is appreciated!
> Regards,
> Martijn