Re: shoal / GMS sniffer?

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 07:46:18 -0800

Dick Davies wrote:
> I've been sat down crosseyed in front of snoop and tcpdump lately seeing
> what our cluster is up to, and wondered if there were any higher level tools
> for looking at cluster GMS traffic?
What specifically are you looking for ?
You can set ShoalLogger (as a module-log-levels property in domain.xml)
to FINE and see more data. It gets a lot more detailed and a bit noisy
with debug information as you go down FINER and FINEST.
> From a quick glance over the shoal design docs, it looks like it would
> be possible to add a SPECTATOR member to the cluster who could receive messages
> (and log/graph them etc.) without disrupting cluster operation or
> requiring a lot of debug-level
> logging on the cluster instances themselves.
Very good thought. A Spectator member collecting monitoring information
about cluster members would be a very useful way to present information
on cluster messaging and collecting historical information on cluster
lifecycle events.
> Does anybody know of such a tool, or where I could look to get started
> writing my own?
btrace comes to mind.
We are beginning to use it for debug purposes in our load tests and I am
hoping that will lead us to write a utility on the above lines.
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