Re: Remote deployment of Rails app

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:06:59 -0800

Bill Kocik wrote:
> On 16 Nov, 2008, at 3:22 AM, Dick Davies wrote:
>> WARbler is probably worth a look for this kind of thing.
> That actually raises another question. I'm aware of Warbler (and
> Goldspike, for that matter), and it's very cool - but I thought one of
> the advantages of GlassFish v3 is that you no longer have to package
> your app into a war file to deploy it.
> The question is: Why is that an advantage? I've never been really sure
> where to ask that question (though, in hindsight, I suppose this list
> is it). I know how Warbler sets things up to run - with a dispatching
> servlet - but what I don't know is how GlassFish does it when an app
> is deployed natively. Is there really an advantage, or am I fooling
> myself by avoiding packing my app into a war file for no real reason?

When you deploy app natively, it does not go thru servlet (web container
layer). It simply couples grizzly's req/resp to Rails, which is faster.
Also, advantage during development.

> I know it's an advantage during development, because you get the same
> change-file-and-refresh-browser dev cycle you get with WEBrick or
> Mongrel. I don't know if there's an advantage to deploying to
> production installs that way, though.
GlassFish v3 supports native as well as warlber approach. Although I
would wonder why would you not use native deployment for production :-)


> --
> Bill Kocik
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