Re: Remote deployment of Rails app

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 10:03:57 -0800

Firing off asadmin to deploy rails app remotely using capisitrano should
certainly work, although I have not tried that and would like to know
how it works. Although I am not sure why would you need mongrel cluster
with GlassFish v3.

Another option would be to use reverse proxy and have different
glassfish v3 servers running woth pre-configured JRuby runtime pool.

Glassfish v3 has JRuby runtime pool, which you can configure[1] to
handle concurrent requests. You would like to setup the jruby runtime
pool according to the available resources on your systems. Typically,
each jruby runtime for the app such as Depot, it takes around 20 MB, and
creating jruby runtime is little expensie in terms of time it takes to
compile the rails application. So you may like think about the startup
runtmes + the max and min.

Further you can also use apache/mod_jk or nginx etc. for reverse proxy
to different glassfish instances.



Bill Kocik wrote:
> Is anyone doing deployment of Rails applications to remotely-running
> GlassFish v3 servers? I'm thinking the simplest solution is probably
> to use Capistrano for this, calling "asadmin" on the remote side to
> deploy the app at the end instead of restarting mongrel clusters, but
> I'm interested in other opinions or solutions.
> --
> Bill Kocik
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